pool filters perth

Expert Tips For A Smooth Running Pool Filtration System

All pool owners realise how important it is to keep your pool clean. After all, people don’t find it particularly appealing swimming in a particle-filled and cloudy pool. What’s more, dirty pools are a safety hazard, too, because opaque water makes it difficult to see the bottom of the pool. Luckily, there’s pool equipment available that can help you keep your pool healthy, and maintain good water quality.  

The key to maintaining a healthy pool? The filter system!

An efficient and effective pool filtration system works effectively against microbes and bacteria in your pool water. What’s more, it removes the particles that can leave swimmers prone to water borne illnesses, keeping your pool healthy and your water quality great. But it’s important to remember that pool filtration systems need maintenance, too. After all, you can’t clean something with a dirty tool. When it comes to keeping your filtration system in top condition, backwashing is the way to go. Backwashing your filter is a normal and easy method that is important to the functionality of your pool. It’s something that you can do, as a pool owner, without too much fuss - but it leaves you with amazing results, and saves you time and money, too. Regular backwashing is a key principle to keeping your pool’s filtration system clean. Keeping on top of this routine can not only lower your maintenance costs, but it goes a long way in keeping your pool water healthy and safe to swim in for you and your family.

Here's what you really need to know about backwashing and how it benefits your pool.


What’s Backwashing?

Backwashing is a filter cleaning method that reverses the flow of water through your filter system. It simply flushes away all of the larger particles that have been trapped in the filtration system by reversing the flow of water, and sending the waste away through a hose connected to the pool’s pump. This dislodges trapped debris and contaminants.

Most pool filtration systems remove organic material by pushing water through a porous medium, circulating clean water through the system. But it’s important to note that your filter’s efficiency can decline as larger particles build up over time within the filter. These larger particles increase the filter’s gauge pressure, and can lead to damage if not maintained properly.

By cleaning the pool filter, it makes it easier for the pools water to flow through, lowering the filters gauge pressure. The pressure can quickly build up, however, as the debris continues to build up in using the pool. This is where backwashing comes in.

When Should You Backwash?

How often do you use your pool? The frequency of your backwashing depends on that, and how dirty it gets throughout the swimming season. If your pool is surrounded by shrubs and trees, this can also affect how often you should backwash your pool.

As a general rule, it’s considered acceptable amongst many in the industry to backwash once every week.

Another crucial time to backwash your pool filtration system is after killing an algae bloom or when treating cloudy water. Consider backwashing if there has been a major storm in your area, or a recent algae outbreak. This is to ensure that your pool is healthy and safe to swim in. Keep an eye on the filter’s gauge pressure. Higher pressure is also an indication that you may need to backwash your pool.

When Should You Not Backwash?

While it’s almost always advisable to keep on top of your backwash routine, there may be times that you need to avoid the process. As stated above, if you’ve had or currently have an algae bloom in your pool water, some experts recommend to bypass the filter system entirely and vacuum your water directly to waste. Live algae can easily pass through your filter medium and re-enter your pool water system, making the water unsafe to swim in.

If your pool has recently been subjected to a high level of debris and dirt, it may be a better idea to vacuum your water directly to waste as well. Foreign particles from roadworks, construction, and the like can throw off your pool’s chemical levels, and backwashing might not be effective in combating these contaminants.

Got Questions?

To find the most accurate information on backwashing your pool filtration system, and how often it should occur, check your pool manufacturer’s guidelines, or ask for expert advice at your local pool management company. At Pool Assist, our friendly team can help you set up a pool maintenance system and routine that will keep your pool filtration system working at its best. Contact us today, so you can protect your investment better and enjoy the benefits of having your own pool for the years to come!
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